Thursday, March 6, 2014
Integrity First
Integrity is defined in the Webster's dictionary on my desk as "Firm adherence to a code or standard of values." Google's definition popped up as "The quality of being honest and having strong moral principles; moral uprightness." Some people think of it as doing the right thing even when nobody is watching. Whatever the definition, there seems to be a general wonderment about the loss of integrity in parts of the military. How could these things happen? Why are the people in charge of nuclear weapons and nuclear reactors cheating on tests? How could Recruits be subjected to various illegalities? How could criminal activity and unprofessionalism creep into Basic Training and go undetected for years on-end? Leaders at all levels have been scrambling to produce policy letters and newspaper articles to address the subject in order to show they are holding their people accountable.
The military is, of course, a product of the society it comes from whether you have an all-volunteer force or a conscripted force (I'm not addressing mercenaries). If a society loses its general sense of integrity and the importance of it, then so will the military. So let's look at society in America.
We had a President who was allowed to lie under oath and get away with it in the form of keeping his job and his celebrity. He was disbarred for life as a lawyer, but he doesn't need to practice law anymore. The sheer shame of being caught committing adultery wasn't enough to motivate him out of office, which is also pathetic. He and his people have destroyed several women, but the "National Organization for [liberal] Women" is ok with it because of his politics.
Since then, we've had leaders who selectively enforce laws on illegal immigration, drugs, the Defense of Marriage Act, The Voting Rights Act, etc. States actually think they can legalize marijuana and same-sex marriage? What happened to federal law trumping state law?
Global Warming, the formerly indisputable science, was debunked many times over and exposed for the fraud it is, so the name was changed to "Climate Change" and the lemmings all took it in stride. Al Gore burns more carbon than just about any set of 100 of us yet we aren't living right. This is all acceptable of course.
A certain Senator likes to make false claims about people very publicly on the Senate floor, knowing he can't be prosecuted for the libelous things he defecates out of his mouth. He is allowed to get away with these things because every Senate seat is crucial to keeping/getting the majority; anything to stay in power. He is a coward and a poster child for term limits.
Some lawyers have changed our legal system into a joke. They convince people to flood the system with frivolous lawsuits that may or may not have a chance of winning. Either way, the lawyer gets paid. Simple, God-given, no-brainer rights like the ability to defend yourself, your family, and your property are actually questioned and often ruled against. Supreme Court rulings on private property and the basics of what is and IS NOT in the Constitution show a deep lack of understanding for the law and simple right vs. wrong. Judges at all levels legislate from the bench and completely ignore laws and State Constitutions. They just inject their own jacked-up views of the world. Either way, the lawyers get paid.
God has been kicked out of classrooms, high school football games and graduations, court rooms, public grounds, the Boy Scouts and just about everywhere else by the "legal system" (NOT "justice system") mentioned above.
The sanctity of life has been destroyed. Between the general apathy about daily killings in the liberal paradises of Chicago, DC, etc. and the over 50 Million abortions that have occurred here since 1973, video games, movies, and the 24-hour news cycle showing general mayhem in the world, we've become numb to death; like a third-world country where death is just a part of daily life.
Many (or most) of those we call "celebrities" are nothing more than trash. Their lifestyles, up to and including their drug habits, sex-tapes and illegitimate children are put on display for all to see and worhsip. Whoa to those who dare to put a cross up in public view, but "twerking" and smoking pot on-stage are applauded. It's all about shock value. Any publicity is good publicity I guess... as long as you stay in the news. They make tons of money off of horribly violent films full of guns and explosions while they run around espousing the evils of gun ownership for the common person. Oh ya, did I mention they have armed bodyguards around them? Will Bloomberg take their guns too? Will he ever have unarmed bodyguards? I think not. Meanwhile, many of today's youth get their news from Comedy Central shows.
All this is acceptable "Progress" in society today. People aren't held accountable for their actions. People are cheating on tests? What the hell else do you expect?
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