Saturday, March 17, 2012

Buying Votes -- Here They Go Again

This being an election year, it's time once again to revisit old ideas for vote-buying with taxpayer money. A certain Representative X (D - MI) introduced "The Student Loan Forgiveness Act of 2012" (H.R. 4170) on March 8th. Here's what X said, "It's time for Congress to stand up for the rights of student loan borrowers. It's time to forgive these student loan debts."

RIGHTS? WHAT RIGHTS? I think they have the right to re-pay what they signed up to borrow. Isn't anybody responsible for their own actions anymore?

Since the Federal Government took over the entire student loan industry as part of the Healthcare takeover (a.k.a. "Health Care and Education Reconciliation Act of 2010"), the Federal Government owns all that debt and is in a position to forgive it. That, of course, would be utterly stupid... unless it's an election year and you need to buy votes.

Yes, that's what welfare, social security, and food stamps really are. They started off as noble causes, but turned into abominations used to scare the public and to buy votes. Do you think they really care about the poor? They'd just as soon stomp on the necks of the poor for power.

Rights. I guess people have the right to become slaves to the state... or maybe we'll just mandate that.

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